Lego recently launched its “Kronkiwongi” campaign as a way to integrate the concept of co-creation as part of its marketing strategy. “Kronkiwongi” is Lego’s term for building an item that doesn’t already exist. The Facebook campaign will illustrate responses from children all over the world as they rise to the Kronkiwongi challenge. Facebook and Lego’s Creative Shop produced the films as a way to reach out to parents who participate in the Lego creation by displaying the photos on Facebook.
Lars Silberbauer Anderson, Lego’s Global Director of Social Media and Search, revealed that Kronkiwongi was a term from his youth that he incorporated into the campaign in hopes that parents would be inspired to work with their children in building a unique Lego creation. Parents are encouraged to share videos and photos on social media, which Lego will incorporate into a final video at the end of the three-week long campaign.
Lego’s new fan-generated content marketing strategy invites fans to pitch product ideas by designing and uploading them to its site. This is part of its “open innovation platform” which is in line with the marketing strategy.
Conny Kalcher, the VP of Marketing and Consumer Experience spoke to Marketing Week recently and said that another aspect of the campaign is the “orchestrate one story” which invites children to take part in the story telling. She explained that Lego is evolving from a toy manufacturer into a media company and that involves telling stories.
Lego calls children the “builders of tomorrow” and it realizes the importance of engaging them as part of its marketing strategy. The Lego YouTube channel has more than one billion viewers with over 25 million hits per day. In addition, five million children from all over the world are members of the Lego Club.