Category Archives: Uncategorized

Four Ways to Optimize Drip Marketing

Drip marketing is a marketing strategy that was developed soon after email became the international standard for communicating. Drip marketing consists of messages that are sent or “dripped” to current and prospective customers over time. These marketing messages are pre-written …

Anti-Soda Marketing Campaigns Target Coca-Cola

The difficulties of targeting an audience and providing quality marketing to individuals presents more than enough of a challenge to marketers in the modern age. Competitors will often complicate things by releasing marketing campaigns that promote their product while simultaneously …

Minion Madness: Oversaturation as a Tool for Trending

Sources from BuzzFeed to major news platforms like The Guardian have recently reported on the mixed response to the advertising campaign put on by Universal for the summer children’s movie, Minions. Negative response to oversaturation is not uncommon in the …

Accents Found to Have an Impact on Commercial Perception

When planning a commercial, businesses have to consider whatever factors might have an impact on the success of their marketing. Different markets respond to an endless variety of stimuli in ways that can be difficult to predict. Interestingly, recent research …