From Young Marketing Guru to Business Owner

Katrina Jefferson is a young marketing consultant who has managed to acquire an impressive amount of experience, especially for her age. She worked with household names like Sears, Red Bull and Toys R Us before taking the plunge and going into business on her own.

Jefferson admits that her success has required hard work, dedication and focus that many people her age are lacking. She also insists that networking has played a huge part in her success to date. She said that going to industry events, meeting new people and interacting with them is crucial when trying to get noticed, and that it’s equally important when trying to expand an existing client base.

Jefferson also advocates learning from mistakes and failures. She feels that taking a step back to evaluate when things go wrong often results in unprecedented learning experiences that last a lifetime. She believes that a closed door can lead to an open window and that creating new opportunities is always possible, regardless of circumstances, as long as people commit to working hard and throwing a bit of creativity into the mix.

For Jefferson, marketing for big businesses and smaller ones is the same, since she feels the work should always reflect the same high standards of quality, regardless of brand recognition or budget. In fact, she believes that smaller businesses can become just as successful when the proper tools are utilized. She knows that the little things can have the most significant impact and that marketing results can – and should – be easily assessed and used to the marketer’s advantage.

As for young women venturing into businesses on their own, Jefferson expressed her pride and excitement at the growing number of fellow businesswomen and notes that in today’s entrepreneurial landscape, there are countless programs that have been designed to provide help for up-and-coming business owners.