4 Steps to Launching a Social Media Marketing Campaign

Social media is not just for fun anymore. Today, it is more important than ever to be connected and to know what to do with those connections. Social media has taken over and with its massive popularity has sprouted new ways to do business.

There are four things to consider when launching a social media campaign.

  1. Each Tool is Different, so Use Each Tool Differently. There are so many choices in social media these days including Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Facebook, Vine and Instagram. While many of these seem to serve the same purpose, they’re user base is actually quite unique. Ryan Holmes, founder of Hootsuite, tells users to consider these media options like a Swiss army knife, with each option having its own purpose. Determining which tool works best for your needs is imperative in effectively marketing to your clientele.
  1. Content is Important, but don’t Over do it. Constant posting can cause clutter and bury your ultimate message. It can also cause clients to disengage. Content should be creative, interesting and reflective of your brand. Adjusting your social media campaigns frequently while monitoring the results can help you fine-tune your approach and ensure the right message gets to your customers.
  1. Monitor Results so you Know How you’re Doing. The time and effort it takes to keep up with social media campaigns can be costly. It is important to monitor results to ensure the cost of these campaigns is being realized through returns on investments. Results can be analyzed in many different ways. Whether it is through “likes”, comments, or click-rates, understanding which tools are reflecting positive growth is important.
  1. Develop Technical Skills so you are Comfortable with the Technology. Creativity is always important in marketing but technical skills are just as important in this new digital age. New social media sites are popping up all of the time which mandates a constant need to become technically savvy and understand each of these platforms. There is a new social media training program called, “Podium,” which Hootsuite recently launched. This program keeps up with social media trends and even offers a social media marketing certification.