Four Ways to Optimize Drip Marketing

Drip marketing is a marketing strategy that was developed soon after email became the international standard for communicating. Drip marketing consists of messages that are sent or “dripped” to current and prospective customers over time. These marketing messages are pre-written mass emails that can be used in lieu of individually contacting clients, while at the same time ensuring that your brand stays prevalent in their minds.

In order to take advantage of this marketing technique, it is important to understand four factors that can optimize success…

  1. Keep in touch with all contacts: There are constantly newcomers in every market that will be competing with you for business. Once you have a contact, it is important to keep in touch with them on a regular basis so that you stay on their radar.

    Failing to nurture these contacts with consistent communication can cause you to lose them to a competitor.

  1. Be consistent: You never know when a customer may suddenly need your product or services. If you haven’t been consistently contacting clients, they may forget you when their time of need comes.

    Consistent contact (without overdoing it) keeps you on clients’ minds and increases your chances of that sale coming to you when the need arises.

  1. Individual contact is too time consuming: In an ideal world, individual phone calls or emails would be given to each customer.

    In the real world, however, when you have a huge catalog of customers, drip emails are the best way to stay in contact while getting your message across.

  1. Availability and cost: Email is available to everyone. Gone are the days when advertising could only be done through radio, TV or expensive mailings.

    Email is free and available to be used anytime and anywhere with little or no cost to you or the client.